Class Guides

Welcome to the ‘Class Guides’ section, your ultimate resource for mastering the diverse character classes in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer looking to fine-tune your skills or a newcomer seeking guidance, these guides will help you navigate the unique abilities, strategies, and playstyles of each class, empowering you to excel in your journey through the world of RetRO Classic.

Acolyte Class

Acolyte Class

The Acolyte, a devout and spiritual class in RetRO Classic, embodies unwavering faith and devotion. These dedicated individuals serve as healers and supporters, harnessing the power of faith to mend wounds and empower their allies. With their proficiency in restorative magic and divine blessings, Acolytes play an indispensable role in the battle against darkness, offering salvation, protection, and hope to those who venture into the enchanting world of RetRO Classic.

Stats Allocation

  1. Vitality (VIT): Vitality is crucial for Acolytes, as it increases their Max HP, making them more resilient to damage. A high VIT ensures you can withstand attacks while healing your party.
  2. Intelligence (INT): Intelligence boosts the effectiveness of your healing spells and your Max SP pool. A decent INT is essential to keep your healing abilities potent and sustainable.
  3. Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity improves your cast time, reducing the delay between casting spells. A moderate DEX helps you cast healing spells quickly, ensuring timely support for your party.
  4. Agility (AGI): Agility increases your Attack Speed and Flee rate. While it’s not a primary stat for Acolytes, some AGI can improve your survivability by dodging attacks.
  5. Strength (STR) and Luck (LUK): These stats are generally less important for Acolytes. STR and LUK are often considered secondary, but you may allocate a few points if desired.

Play Strategy

  1. Healer and Supporter: Acolytes excel at healing and supporting their party members. Your primary role is to keep your team alive and in good condition during battles. Focus on healing spells like Heal, Blessing, and Increase AGI.
  2. Debuff and Status Removal: Acolytes can also remove harmful status effects from allies using skills like Cure. Be vigilant in cleansing your party of debuffs during battles.
  3. Buffing: Buff spells like Blessing and Increase AGI should be cast on your party members to enhance their combat abilities. Keep these buffs active to improve your party’s overall performance.
  4. Crowd Control: Acolytes can use Turn Undead to deal damage to undead monsters. This skill can be particularly effective in certain situations.
  5. Teleportation: As you advance to the Priest class, you gain access to Warp Portal, allowing you to create portals for easy travel within the game world. This skill can be helpful for both you and your party members.
  6. Equipment: Prioritize gear that enhances your healing abilities, such as items that increase your INT or SP regeneration. Equipments that provide increased survivability, like armor with high DEF or MDEF, are also valuable.
  7. Party Dynamics: Work closely with your party members and communicate effectively. Understand the needs of your party and adjust your healing and support accordingly.
  8. PvP and WoE: In player vs. player (PvP) and War of Emperium (WoE) modes, Acolytes can play a crucial role by providing healing and support to your guildmates while disrupting enemy strategies with debuffs and crowd control.


Remember that the Acolyte class is versatile and adaptable. As you progress to more advanced classes like Priest , you'll gain access to more powerful healing and support skills, further solidifying your role as a valuable asset to any party in the world of RetRO Classic.

Swordsman Class

Swordsman Class

The Swordsman, a stalwart and valiant class in RetRO Classic, embodies strength, valor, and combat prowess. These formidable warriors are masters of close-quarters combat, wielding a variety of melee weapons with precision and power. Swordsman adventurers are known for their unmatched physical strength, resilience, and unwavering determination to protect and conquer. With their indomitable spirit and mastery of martial skills, Swordsmen stand as the vanguard of adventure, ready to face any challenge that the world of RetRO Classic throws their way.

Stats Allocation

  1. Strength (STR): Strength is the primary stat for Swordsman. It directly affects your physical attack power and carrying capacity. Maximize STR for higher damage output.
  2. Vitality (VIT): Vitality enhances your Max HP and defense, making you more durable in combat. Allocate some points to VIT to increase survivability.
  3. Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity improves your accuracy, reducing the chance of missing attacks. It also affects your hit rate with ranged weapons. Add some DEX to ensure your attacks land.
  4. Agility (AGI): Agility boosts your Attack Speed and Flee rate. A moderate amount of AGI can help you attack more rapidly and evade enemy blows.
  5. Luck (LUK): Luck affects critical hit rate, perfect dodge, and status resistance. While not a primary stat for Swordsman, a bit of LUK can be beneficial for critical hits and dodging attacks.

Play Strategy

  1. Melee Combat Specialist: As a Swordsman, your primary role is to excel in melee combat. Wield one-handed or two-handed swords, axes, or other melee weapons to deal devastating physical damage.
  2. Tank and Frontliner: Swordsmen often take on the role of the tank in parties. Your high HP and VIT make you a great choice for absorbing enemy damage and protecting your teammates.
  3. Mobility and Positioning: Use AGI to improve your Attack Speed and movement. Position yourself strategically in battles to maximize your effectiveness.
  4. Skills and Abilities: Invest in Swordsman skills such as Bash, Magnum Break, and Provoke for offense and Taunt for drawing enemy attention. As you advance to more advanced classes, consider branching into Knight or Crusader paths for additional skills.
  5. Equipment: Prioritize gear that boosts your physical attack power, defense, and HP. Swords, armor, and shields tailored for melee combat are essential.
  6. Party Dynamics: In a party, coordinate with healers and ranged attackers. Your role is to engage enemies up close and protect your teammates. Communication is key.
  7. PvP and WoE: In player vs. player (PvP) and War of Emperium (WoE) modes, Swordsmen play a significant role as frontliners, disrupting enemy lines and creating openings for your guildmates.
  8. Leveling Strategy: Focus on leveling up in areas with melee-friendly monsters. Use skills like Bash to efficiently defeat enemies and gain experience.
  9. Master Your Weapon: Become proficient with your chosen weapon type, as different weapons have unique properties and skills associated with them.


Swordsmen are versatile and excel in both solo play and group dynamics. Your choice of specialization and weapon type may vary, but the core attributes of strength, vitality, and agility remain essential for success in the world of RetRO Classic.

Merchant Class

Merchant Class

The Merchant, a savvy and enterprising class in RetRO Classic, embodies the spirit of commerce and resourcefulness. These astute individuals are the masters of trade, capable of converting raw materials into valuable goods and amassing great wealth. Merchants are renowned for their business acumen, enabling them to negotiate the best deals and maximize profits. With their keen eye for opportunity and a trusty cart in tow, Merchants embark on a journey to carve their mark in the bustling markets and treacherous trade routes of RetRO Classic, where fortune and adventure await the shrewd entrepreneur.

Stats Allocation

  1. Strength (STR): Strength is essential for carrying goods and items. A higher STR allows you to carry more weight, which is important for a Merchant who often collects and transports items.
  2. Agility (AGI): Agility improves your Attack Speed and Flee rate. While not a primary stat, some AGI can help you evade attacks and move swiftly.
  3. Vitality (VIT): Vitality increases your Max HP and defense. A balanced amount of VIT can improve your survivability in battles and prevent being easily defeated.
  4. Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity enhances your accuracy and reduces the casting time for skills. Some DEX can be beneficial for both combat and skill usage.
  5. Intelligence (INT): Intelligence affects your Max SP pool and SP regeneration rate. While not a primary stat for a Merchant, it can help with skill usage and spellcasting.

Play Strategy

  1. Buying and Selling: Merchants excel in buying items at low prices and selling them at higher prices. Capitalize on the “Discount” and “Overcharge” skills to maximize profits while trading with NPCs.
  2. Mammonite: Learn the “Mammonite” skill, which allows you to spend zeny to deal high damage to enemies. This skill can be your primary offensive tool for leveling and farming.
  3. Cart and Weight Management: Utilize your cart effectively to carry items, loots, and merchandise. Ensure you have enough weight capacity to transport goods efficiently.
  4. Open a Shop: As you advance to the Blacksmith or Alchemist class, you gain access to the ability to open a shop and vend items to other players. This can be a lucrative way to earn zeny.
  5. Crafting: Consider crafting items or equipment using the “Forge” skill if you become a Blacksmith. Crafting can provide valuable items to sell or use.
  6. Enrich Ores: If you pursue the Blacksmith class, the “Enriched Ores” skill can be used to upgrade weapons and armor, making them more valuable.
  7. Party Support: While not a traditional combat class, Merchants can provide support in parties by buffing allies with skills like “Discount” and “Overcharge.”
  8. Use Skills Wisely: Familiarize yourself with Merchant skills and use them strategically. Some skills may be more useful in specific situations, such as bargaining with NPCs or defeating monsters.


Merchants are the entrepreneurs of RetRO Classic, and success often depends on your ability to wheel and deal, as well as your financial acumen. Whether you choose to focus on trading, crafting, or supporting a party, Merchants have the potential to amass great wealth and become influential figures in the game world.

Mage Class

Mage Class

The Mage, a spellcasting prodigy in RetRO Classic, harnesses the arcane powers of magic to shape reality itself. These scholarly individuals are masters of elemental spells, able to conjure destructive fire, chilling frost, and the crackling power of lightning. Mages are renowned for their intellectual curiosity and their pursuit of the mystical arts, unlocking the secrets of the cosmos one incantation at a time. With a spellbook in hand and the cosmos at their fingertips, Mages embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of magic, pushing the boundaries of possibility and wielding immense power in the mystical realm of RetRO Classic.

Stats Allocation

  1. Intelligence (INT): Intelligence is the primary stat for Mages. It directly affects the damage output of your magical spells and increases your Max SP (spell points) pool. Maximize INT to deal devastating spell damage.
  2. Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity improves your casting speed, reducing the time it takes to cast spells. Some DEX can help you cast spells more quickly and efficiently.
  3. Vitality (VIT): Vitality increases your Max HP and provides some survivability. While not a primary stat, allocating a few points to VIT can improve your durability.
  4. Agility (AGI): Agility increases your Flee rate and Attack Speed. While not a primary focus for Mages, some AGI can aid in evading enemy attacks.
  5. Luck (LUK): Luck affects critical hit rate and status resistance. It’s generally not a priority for Mages but can have minor benefits.

Play Strategy

    1. Elemental Magic: Mages specialize in elemental magic. Learn a variety of elemental spells, such as Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt, and Lightning Bolt, to exploit enemy weaknesses.
    2. Positioning: Position yourself strategically during battles to avoid close combat. Mages are ranged spellcasters, so maintain a safe distance while casting spells.
    3. SP Management: Keep an eye on your SP pool. Use SP-restoring items or skills like Energy Coat to manage your spellcasting resources effectively.
    4. Elemental Advantages: Identify the elemental weaknesses of your enemies and choose spells accordingly. For example, use Fire spells against enemies weak to fire.
    5. Safety Wall: Learn the “Safety Wall” skill to create a barrier that blocks incoming physical attacks. This can be a lifesaver when you need protection.
    6. Quagmire: As you advance to more advanced classes, the “Quagmire” skill can slow down enemies, giving you more time to cast spells and maneuver.
    7. Equipment: Prioritize equipment that enhances your INT, casting speed, and SP regeneration. Items that reduce casting time are valuable.
    8. Mob Control: Mages can use area-of-effect (AoE) spells to control and defeat multiple enemies simultaneously, making them efficient farmers and levelers.
    9. Party Dynamics: In a party, Mages provide powerful AoE damage and crowd control. Communicate with your team to coordinate attacks and take down groups of enemies.


Mages are the masters of magical destruction in RetRO Classic, and their success depends on their ability to unleash powerful spells and adapt to different situations. By maximizing their INT and strategically using elemental magic, Mages become formidable spellcasters capable of dealing devastating damage to their foes.

Thief Class

Thief Class

The Thief, a nimble and shadowy class in RetRO Classic, thrives in the world of cunning and subterfuge. These stealthy individuals are masters of agility, covert maneuvers, and swift strikes. Thieves are renowned for their ability to move silently, disarm traps, and slip past adversaries unnoticed. With their keen senses and swift blades, Thieves navigate the world of RetRO Classic as adept scouts, treasure hunters, and opportunistic rogues, embracing the thrill of danger and the lure of ill-gotten gains.

Stats Allocation

  1. Agility (AGI): Agility is the primary stat for Thieves. It directly affects your Attack Speed, Flee rate, and evasion. Maximize AGI for increased attack speed and the ability to dodge attacks.
  2. Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity enhances your accuracy, reducing the chance of missing attacks. Some DEX can help you land hits consistently, especially if you plan to use ranged weapons.
  3. Strength (STR): Strength increases your physical attack power. Allocate some STR to deal more damage with melee attacks.
  4. Vitality (VIT): Vitality increases your Max HP and provides some survivability. While not a primary stat for Thieves, a few points in VIT can improve your durability.
  5. Luck (LUK): Luck affects critical hit rate and Perfect Dodge. Some LUK can increase your chances of landing critical hits and evading enemy attacks.

Play Strategy

  1. Stealth and Evasion: Leverage your high AGI and Flee rate to evade enemy attacks and stay alive. Thieves excel at dodging blows and escaping danger.
  2. Dual Wield: Thieves can dual-wield weapons, allowing them to deliver a rapid flurry of attacks. Equip a main-hand weapon and an off-hand weapon for maximum damage output.
  3. Hiding and Ambush: Use the “Hiding” skill to become invisible to enemies. This skill is ideal for ambushing foes or escaping dangerous situations.
  4. Backstab: Learn the “Backstab” skill to deal extra damage to enemies from behind. Sneak up on targets and strike when they least expect it.
  5. Snatch and Steal: Thieves have access to skills like “Snatch” and “Steal” to pilfer items from monsters and players. These skills can be lucrative for collecting valuable loot.
  6. Mobility: Move quickly and strategically during battles to avoid getting surrounded by enemies. Hit and run tactics can be effective.
  7. Status Infliction: Some Thief skills, such as “Envenom,” allow you to inflict status ailments on enemies, making them easier to defeat.
  8. Equipment: Prioritize gear that enhances your AGI, damage output, and critical hit rate. Weapons that provide bonuses to damage and attack speed are valuable.
  9. Party Dynamics: In a party, Thieves often serve as damage dealers and scouts. Work closely with your team to eliminate threats and provide reconnaissance.


Thieves are agile and opportunistic adventurers in RetRO Classic. With their focus on stealth, evasion, and precise strikes, they excel at ambushes and hit-and-run tactics. By maximizing AGI and DEX, Thieves become formidable melee fighters and skilled treasure hunters in the world of RetRO Classic.

Archer Class

Archer Class

The Archer, a sharp-eyed and skilled marksman in RetRO Classic, commands the bow and arrow with unmatched precision and grace. These ranged combat specialists are masters of long-range attacks, taking aim with their bows to strike down foes from a safe distance. Archers are renowned for their exceptional accuracy, agility, and the ability to rain down a relentless barrage of arrows upon their enemies. With their keen perception and unwavering focus, Archers embark on a journey to explore the beauty of ranged combat and become unparalleled archers in the world of RetRO Classic, where their pinpoint accuracy turns every shot into a masterpiece of devastation.

Stats Allocation

  1. Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity is the primary stat for Archers. It directly affects your accuracy, reducing the chance of missing attacks. Maximize DEX for consistent and accurate ranged attacks.
  2. Agility (AGI): Agility increases your Attack Speed and Flee rate. Allocate some AGI to improve your attack speed and agility in combat.
  3. Strength (STR): Strength enhances your physical attack power. While not a primary stat for Archers, a few points in STR can increase your damage output.
  4. Vitality (VIT): Vitality increases your Max HP and provides some survivability. While not a primary focus, a bit of VIT can improve your durability.
  5. Luck (LUK): Luck affects critical hit rate, Perfect Dodge, and status resistance. Some LUK can increase your chances of landing critical hits and evading enemy attacks.

Play Strategy

  1. Ranged Attacks: Archers excel in ranged combat. Use bows to attack enemies from a safe distance, avoiding direct melee confrontation.
  2. Doubleshot: Learn the “Double Strafe” skill to unleash two arrows at once, increasing your damage output. This skill is valuable for quickly taking down enemies.
  3. Elemental Arrows: Equip elemental arrows to exploit enemy weaknesses. For example, use Fire Arrows against foes weak to fire damage.
  4. Mobility: Stay mobile during battles to reposition yourself and maintain distance from enemies. Kite enemies by moving while continuously firing arrows.
  5. Trap Skills: As you advance to the Hunter or Bard/Dancer class, you gain access to trap skills. These skills can immobilize or damage enemies, adding utility to your playstyle.
  6. Equipment: Prioritize gear that enhances your DEX, attack power, and ranged damage. Bows and equipment that boost your critical hit rate can also be valuable.
  7. Party Dynamics: In a party, Archers serve as ranged damage dealers. Position yourself to target high-priority enemies and provide continuous ranged support to your team.
  8. PvP and WoE: In player vs. player (PvP) and War of Emperium (WoE) modes, Archers use their ranged attacks to control areas and snipe enemy players from afar.


Archers are masters of ranged combat in RetRO Classic, capable of dealing consistent and accurate damage to enemies. By focusing on DEX and AGI and utilizing their unique skills, Archers become formidable damage dealers in the world of RetRO Classic, taking down foes with precision and efficiency.

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